Benefits of Massage

Do you simply want a massage for relaxation and stress control? Or do you need symptom relief or help with a certain body pain condition?

See the surprising benefits of massage

It eases muscle pain

Getting a massage to treat your sore muscles could help because massage increases and improves circulation.

It soothes anxiety and depression

a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, found that People who were stressed and anxious were much more relaxed and happy after getting a massage.

It improves sleep

Massage reduces stress by decreasing cortisol. It is a stress hormone and increasing serotonin and dopamine ( a neurotransmitters that help to stabilize mood). Using massage to decrease stress and to promote relaxation may help you sleep better

Accessed on September 15, 2021. https://

Improve physical fitness
Massage can reduce muscle tension, improve exercise performance and prevent injuries.

The best way to experience the benefits of massage is to try one-hour whole body massage session for yourself. LANA well Heeled and Spa offers relaxing therapeutic massage. Schedule a session today by calling 09175428811

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